Wrong Number
Directed by M. Night Shamalamadingdong. If you like my stuff and want to see more of it, consider becoming a patron http://patreon.com/sexualobster My facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/greasytales
Actores de doblaje Vegeta (Luisma McFly) Bulma (María Cebrián) Goku (Jorge Cabanes) Karin (Rodol Perez) Enfermera (Cristina Peña) Voz en off (Jorge Cabanes) Traducido por Víctor González Doblado por Realmediadub ( http://www.youtube.com/realmediadub )
LicenseDefault alugha License
Directed by M. Night Shamalamadingdong. If you like my stuff and want to see more of it, consider becoming a patron http://patreon.com/sexualobster My facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/greasytales
Subscribe to Bammo: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=Bammo&feature=etp-pd-mac-40 Co-written by Peter "Scorpion Master" Kozak We wrote this in rough comic form, and then changed a fair bit of it. It was a cool writing process to try out. Read the comic: http://greasymoose.com
Based on this comic: http://bit.ly/QcRlbe Soundtrack:https://sexualobster.bandcamp.com/track/the-four-horsemen-theme-updated https://sexualobster.bandcamp.com/track/cops-of-fire-with-erections-cucumbers If you like my stuff and want to see more of it, consider becoming a patron http://patreon.com/s