Aprèn els conceptes bàsics sobre els principis de la química sostenible com a part del tema de química ambiental.
Aquest vídeo és part de "Química per a tots", un projecte d'Educació Química de la nostra Fundació Charity Fuse, l'organització darrere The Fuse School. Aquests vídeos poden utilitzar-se en un model d'aprenentatge semipresencial o com a ajuda de revisió.
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Ecosystems are large, often highly complex areas of our environment.
In this video we learn how abiotic and biotic factors interact with one another in a ecosystem, how trophic levels work, and how various factors in an ecosystem lead to evolution of species through different selection pressures.
Learn the basics about Indicators, more specifically for acid and bases. An indicator is a large organic molecule that works somewhat like a " color dye". Find out more in this video!
This Open Educational Resource is free of charge, under a Creative Commons License: Attribution-NonCommercial CC BY
The flick of a switch, that’s how easy it is to get electricity, right?
If you’re one of the lucky ones, then yes.
But in 2017 there are still over 1 billion people who do not have access to electricity.
In this video we will discuss how electricity is generated and transferred to our homes, for th