Durchführung von Titrationen | Chemische Berechnungen | Chemie | FuseSchool
Erfahre, wie man Titrationsversuche durchführt.
In diesem Video erfährst du, welche Geräte man für eine Titration braucht, wie z. B. Pipetten, Büretten und Erlenmeyerkolben.
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Dieses Video ist Teil von "Chemie für Alle" - einem Projekt zur Chemieausbildung unserer Stiftung Fuse Foundation - der Organisation hinter FuseSchool. Diese Videos können in einem umgedrehten Unterrichtsmodell oder als Lernhilfe verwendet werden.
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Übersetzung und Dubbing: alugha
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Algebraic fractions are simply fractions with algebraic expressions either on the top, bottom or both. We treat them in the same way as we would numerical fractions.
In this video we look at how to simplify algebraic fractions, and how to add and subtract them.
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Animation & Design: Peter van de Heuvel
Narration: Lucy Billings
Script: Lucy Billings
The word polygon comes from Greek. Poly means “many” and Gon means “angles”. Polygon = many angles. Polygons are 2-dimensional shapes, that are made of straight lines, with all the sides joined up.
In algebra we have lots of different names for different things: expressions, equations, formulae and identities are all slightly different versions of similar things. Then within these, we have variables, constants, coefficients and exponents to describe the different parts. We also need to know wh