0:00 → 0:02
SPEAKER_00 Hey there, welcome to Life Noggin.
0:02 → 0:08
SPEAKER_00 Have you ever seen a movie where someone had an adrenaline rush and
essentially became superhuman for a minute?
0:08 → 0:13
SPEAKER_00 One moment they're on their daily walk to work and the next lifting a
heavy tree off an injured stranger's leg.
0:13 → 0:16
SPEAKER_00 But how does a single hormone cause this to happen?
0:17 → 0:19
SPEAKER_00 Let me calm down for a little bit.
0:19 → 0:23
SPEAKER_00 Let's suppose you are in a terrifying situation, like seeing a bear
about to attack you.
0:23 → 0:25
SPEAKER_00 No, not that kind of bear.
0:25 → 0:27
SPEAKER_00 Okay, yeah, that's better.
0:27 → 0:34
SPEAKER_00 In this kind of situation, sensory information of the fuzzy threat in
front of you eventually reaches your brain's hypothalamus.
0:34 → 0:37
SPEAKER_00 From here, the body's sympathetic nervous system is activated.
0:37 → 0:41
SPEAKER_00 This causes you to tense up, speed up, and become much more alert.
0:41 → 0:51
SPEAKER_00 At the same time, a signal is sent to your adrenal glands, triggering
them to release epinephrine, or adrenaline, into the bloodstream,
along with norepinephrine and cortisol, the stress hormone.
0:51 → 0:53
SPEAKER_00 So now your body is ready for anything.
0:53 → 1:01
SPEAKER_00 Your heart rate and blood pressure increases, your pupils dilate to
take in more light, more blood is sent to your muscles, and your muscles
tense up.
1:01 → 1:07
SPEAKER_00 Basically what I'm saying is that you are a Hulk right now, only not
green, and not sporting those lovely
1:07 → 1:08
SPEAKER_00 purple pants.
1:08 → 1:10
SPEAKER_00 Which I look great in, by the way.
1:10 → 1:22
SPEAKER_00 Anyway, the cortisol and adrenaline also increase your blood glucose
levels, which conveniently allows more energy to be used by your
muscles, and that can be used to fight off that massive bear or run away as
fast as possible.
1:22 → 1:24
SPEAKER_00 Because I sure as heck am not fighting that thing.
1:24 → 1:30
SPEAKER_00 But seriously, this is so amazing that your body does this all without
having even to think about it.
1:30 → 1:31
SPEAKER_00 Good job, humans.
1:31 → 1:33
SPEAKER_00 This block character is impressed.
1:33 → 1:36
SPEAKER_00 As always, I'm Blocko and this has been Life Noggin.
1:36 → 1:38
SPEAKER_00 Don't forget to fight a bear.
1:38 → 1:40
SPEAKER_00 I mean, no, I mean keep on thinking.
1:40 → 1:41
SPEAKER_00 Definitely do that one.