0:34 → 0:36
SPEAKER_04On November 26, Germany's Federal Ministry
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SPEAKER_04for Economic Cooperation and Development
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SPEAKER_04presented the Award for Innovation Challenge
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SPEAKER_04for Vocational Training Projects in
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SPEAKER_04Developing Countries to the Grohe-Jolle
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SPEAKER_04Academy attached to the Don Bosco Learning Center in Mumbai.
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SPEAKER_04The jury selected innovative projects
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SPEAKER_04for their success in promoting
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SPEAKER_04vocational training in developing countries.
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SPEAKER_04Helping people to help themselves,
0:57 → 1:00
SPEAKER_04this concept works extremely well in Mumbai
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SPEAKER_04with the Grow a Jal Academy.
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SPEAKER_04This training workshop at the Don
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SPEAKER_04Bosco Learning Centre qualifies young
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SPEAKER_04people from extremely poor backgrounds, many
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SPEAKER_04streets, to become professional plumbers.
1:11 → 1:14
SPEAKER_04This gives them the opportunity to start a career
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SPEAKER_04as a skilled tradesman and to earn their own livelihood.
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SPEAKER_04Education is obviously key to a better future.
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SPEAKER_04The idea was to train young people in plumbing,
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SPEAKER_04a trade in urgent need of skilled labor in India.
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SPEAKER_04To put this idea into action, Groa
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SPEAKER_04sought to team up with a competent
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SPEAKER_04and reputable organization in 2008.
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SPEAKER_01We started to negotiate with
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SPEAKER_01different partners like Tedesom, like SOS Kinderwerfer
1:40 → 1:44
SPEAKER_01and finally we got contact to John Bosco
1:44 → 1:49
SPEAKER_01and with John Bosco we tried to select some places
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SPEAKER_01where we really can found an academy
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SPEAKER_01to train plumbers and finally we made
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SPEAKER_01the decision to start this in Mumbai.
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SPEAKER_04German NGO Don Bosco Mondo can draw on more
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SPEAKER_04than 30 years experience in vocational training
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SPEAKER_04and has cooperated with a Mumbai
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SPEAKER_04based Don Bosco center for learning in
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SPEAKER_04the area of vocational training for many years.
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SPEAKER_02In India we do not have
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SPEAKER_02a certified modular plumbing course at all.
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SPEAKER_02So Grohe coming into this picture
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SPEAKER_02for India now with the pilot in Kurla
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SPEAKER_02is going to help us start something
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SPEAKER_02in the country which can take care of the plumbing needs.
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SPEAKER_04Vocational training alone is often no longer sufficient.
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SPEAKER_04Today's market makes high demands on
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SPEAKER_04the quality of services.
2:31 → 2:34
SPEAKER_04New products require new skills.
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SPEAKER_04Young people not only want diplomas
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SPEAKER_04but good and future-proof jobs.
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SPEAKER_04To meet these challenges, Don
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SPEAKER_04Bosco cooperates with private sector companies.
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SPEAKER_04The Grohe-Jal Academy's approach brings
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SPEAKER_04together a company and a social
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SPEAKER_04organization in an alliance which creates a win-win situation.
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SPEAKER_04Academy graduates are not obliged to work
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SPEAKER_04for Grohe after the completion of their training.
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SPEAKER_04They are free to pursue the
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SPEAKER_04best opportunities available to them.
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SPEAKER_04Groa equally benefits from this model
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SPEAKER_04both directly and indirectly.
3:04 → 3:07
SPEAKER_04Qualified plumbers can provide expert advice,
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SPEAKER_04install high-quality products professionally
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SPEAKER_04and ensure long-term customer satisfaction,
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SPEAKER_04all of which will enhance the standing
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SPEAKER_04of the Groa brand in India.
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SPEAKER_00Groa and this experience found a
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SPEAKER_00big resonance in the sector of development work.
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SPEAKER_03What actually attracted us besides the
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SPEAKER_03skill sets is enjoy water.
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SPEAKER_03The sentence there, so German cooperation
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SPEAKER_03we might have are poor young people,
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SPEAKER_03as he says, really getting into
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SPEAKER_03earning their own livelihood and making a life for themselves.
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SPEAKER_03So they will have capacity to enjoy
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SPEAKER_03not only water, but life itself.