0:02 → 0:03
SPEAKER_00 Simrise.
0:03 → 0:09
SPEAKER_00 Always inspiring more.
0:09 → 0:11
SPEAKER_01 This is Simrise.
0:11 → 0:13
SPEAKER_01 And this is Hanna.
0:13 → 0:18
SPEAKER_01 She's been working at Simrise's research and development department for a couple of years.
0:18 → 0:25
SPEAKER_01 Hanna knows that Simrise is a big company with branches in more than 35 countries worldwide.
0:25 → 0:29
SPEAKER_01 With 5,000 employees from over a hundred nations.
0:29 → 0:33
SPEAKER_01 Basically, a true global player.
0:33 → 0:36
SPEAKER_01 There are some things, though, that Hanna doesn't know about yet.
0:36 → 0:38
SPEAKER_01 Simrise's values.
0:38 → 0:43
SPEAKER_01 Well, no, not the values of the company's shares, but the company's corporate values.
0:43 → 0:46
SPEAKER_01 The soul of the company, so to say.
0:46 → 0:49
SPEAKER_01 Altogether, there are six important values at Simrise.
0:50 → 0:53
SPEAKER_01 So Hannah asks herself what these corporate values are good for.
0:53 → 0:57
SPEAKER_01 She thinks that the value of the company's shares is actually interesting enough.
0:57 → 0:58
SPEAKER_01 Well, of course, yes.
0:58 → 1:09
SPEAKER_01 But these six corporate values are supposed to give Hannah, her colleague Peter from the sales department, and all the other employees a common base for their daily work.
1:09 → 1:14
SPEAKER_01 Like a Simrise orientation guide or a landmark.
1:14 → 1:17
SPEAKER_01 Basically, they're six landmarks.
1:19 → 1:22
SPEAKER_01 The first value is creativity.
1:22 → 1:24
SPEAKER_01 Always inspiring more.
1:24 → 1:26
SPEAKER_01 That's the Simrise approach.
1:26 → 1:30
SPEAKER_01 To live up to this value, we need creativity.
1:30 → 1:34
SPEAKER_01 Of course, everyone has a different perception of what it means to be creative.
1:34 → 1:35
SPEAKER_01 That's correct.
1:35 → 1:39
SPEAKER_01 And the good news is creativity can evolve everywhere within the company.
1:39 → 1:46
SPEAKER_01 Be it the development of a new perfume oil or flavor, or the setup of a new marketing concept.
1:46 → 1:48
SPEAKER_01 Everyone's responsible for creativity at Simrise.
1:52 → 2:01
SPEAKER_01 Therefore, it's very important to SimRise that Hannah, Peter and all the other colleagues use all of their creative potential in their individual departments.
2:01 → 2:05
SPEAKER_01 Because creativity is the engine of SimRise.
2:05 → 2:07
SPEAKER_01 The next value is excellence.
2:08 → 2:13
SPEAKER_01 Hanna and Peter constantly help to optimize the workflows within their departments.
2:13 → 2:23
SPEAKER_01 And because excellence requires a high level of work quality in each department, this means that every single person has to give 100% at all times.
2:23 → 2:31
SPEAKER_01 Simrise wants to support Hanna and Peter in their individual achievements and encourages employees to work and think independently.
2:31 → 2:32
SPEAKER_01 Let's focus on the next value.
2:34 → 2:35
SPEAKER_01 Sustainability.
2:35 → 2:40
SPEAKER_01 Sustainability isn't an empty promise for Simrise, but an important topic.
2:40 → 2:43
SPEAKER_01 Simrise is already thinking about the future today.
2:43 → 2:47
SPEAKER_01 The company takes responsibility for both society and the environment.
2:47 → 2:51
SPEAKER_01 Sustainability and long-term value has first priority for Simrise.
2:53 → 2:54
SPEAKER_01 What does that mean in practice?
2:54 → 3:00
SPEAKER_01 Well, SimRise wants to use one-third less water and energy by 2020.
3:00 → 3:05
SPEAKER_01 At the same time, SimRise also wants to produce one-third less CO2 and wastewater.
3:05 → 3:10
SPEAKER_01 But that will only work if Hanna, Peter and all the others pull together to achieve this.
3:13 → 3:16
SPEAKER_01 Hannah and Peter will definitely support this goal.
3:16 → 3:21
SPEAKER_01 And they're very keen to learn about the next item, which is commitment.
3:21 → 3:26
SPEAKER_01 It's true the environment is very important to SimRise, but that's not enough.
3:26 → 3:32
SPEAKER_01 Hannah, Peter and all of their colleagues should feel comfortable at work.
3:32 → 3:38
SPEAKER_01 This is why SimRise wants to establish a working environment where everyone feels respected and appreciated.
3:39 → 3:44
SPEAKER_01 At the same time, all employees should be encouraged to take on responsibility.
3:44 → 3:50
SPEAKER_01 Simrise supports Hannah and Peter in further education.
3:50 → 3:56
SPEAKER_01 For Peter it means going back to Simrise College and improving his skills in a foreign language.
3:56 → 4:03
SPEAKER_01 That way he can communicate with his colleagues and clients abroad more professionally in the future.
4:03 → 4:07
SPEAKER_01 Peter thinks this is really helpful and he can show even more commitment where it's necessary.
4:10 → 4:14
SPEAKER_01 Integrity is next on the list.
4:14 → 4:16
SPEAKER_01 What happens at SimRise, stays at SimRise.
4:18 → 4:30
SPEAKER_01 Just as Peter and Hanna handle their personal data with care and don't simply give away their passwords, they also handle business secrets with care and don't give away their clients' information.
4:30 → 4:38
SPEAKER_01 Because of that, the clients can trust in Simrise and Hanna, Peter and all the other employees can count on each other.
4:38 → 4:43
SPEAKER_01 This creates a common ground for their work as a team and good collaboration with all stakeholders.
4:44 → 4:49
SPEAKER_01 Last but not least, an important item, added value.
4:49 → 4:58
SPEAKER_01 Simrise is about creating added value for its customers to achieve something special and unique and ultimately contribute to their customers' success.
4:58 → 5:08
SPEAKER_01 An example, together with her team, Hanna just developed a sunscreen that protects the skin against damaging UV radiation and also contributes to the skin's well-being.
5:08 → 5:09
SPEAKER_01 That's wonderful.
5:09 → 5:19
SPEAKER_01 Hannah's quite confident with her results because she knows added value means additional value for the consumer, the customer and in the end for Simrise.
5:19 → 5:21
SPEAKER_01 Sounds like a really good calculation.
5:21 → 5:25
SPEAKER_01 Also for Hannah, Peter and their peers.
5:25 → 5:29
SPEAKER_01 These are the company values of Simrise.
5:29 → 5:34
SPEAKER_01 Hannah and Peter already apply many of them in their daily work routine entirely intuitively.
5:37 → 5:42
SPEAKER_01 But they think it's good to recall them from time to time.
5:42 → 5:50
SPEAKER_01 Now, not only do they know more about the company they work for, they also feel more connected to SimRise.
5:50 → 5:56
SPEAKER_01 And the people who work there.
5:56 → 5:57
SPEAKER_00 SimRise.
5:57 → 5:59
SPEAKER_00 Always inspiring more.