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SPEAKER_00This is KWS in Einbeck, Germany.
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SPEAKER_00Here and at breeding stations worldwide,
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SPEAKER_00we produce seed of the highest quality
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SPEAKER_00for sugar beet and corn, for cereals
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SPEAKER_00and potatoes, and for oilseed and field crops.
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SPEAKER_00For more than 150 years, we have been breeding
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SPEAKER_00and producing new varieties to meet
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SPEAKER_00the highest standards and today we have
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SPEAKER_00operations in about 70 countries around the world.
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SPEAKER_00Our annual budget for research
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SPEAKER_00and development amounts to approximately
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SPEAKER_00160 million euros.
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SPEAKER_00Using state-of-the-art methods, we
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SPEAKER_00continuously improve the yield of our varieties
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SPEAKER_00as well as their resistance to
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SPEAKER_00diseases, pests and climate change.
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SPEAKER_00KWS Varieties offer farmers high-performance
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SPEAKER_00solutions to the challenges of the
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SPEAKER_0021st century and therefore the essential
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SPEAKER_00input for their success.
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SPEAKER_00KWS is an independent company with an unmistakable style.
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SPEAKER_00Personal, natural, committed and respectful.
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SPEAKER_00About 5,000 KWS employees are active worldwide,
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SPEAKER_00acting on their own responsibility
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SPEAKER_00with true entrepreneurial spirit and
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SPEAKER_00dedication to their customers' success.
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SPEAKER_00As a society, we face the challenges
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SPEAKER_00of a steadily growing need for food
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SPEAKER_00and energy, as well as increasing global warming.
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SPEAKER_00Responsible and sustainable resource management is just
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SPEAKER_00as important to us as the
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SPEAKER_00preservation of biodiversity and all its genetic richness.
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SPEAKER_00Using our top quality seeds, farmers
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SPEAKER_00can grow crops that are both healthy and profitable.
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SPEAKER_00Their satisfaction is our motivation.
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SPEAKER_00KWS, the seed specialist.