0:00 → 0:09
Ant-Man, the tiniest superhero in the hood, a symbol that size doesn't matter, but sadly he doesn't exist, but what if he did?
0:09 → 0:19
Hello and welcome back to Life's Biggest Questions, the channel that likes to talk about a whole breadth of topics like science, politics, history and pop culture as well as playing with alternate realities.
0:19 → 0:23
I'm your host Rebecca Felgate and today I'm asking what if Ant-Man was real?
0:23 → 0:27
Well, we'd have a whole new appreciation for ants, for starters.
0:27 → 0:35
Ants are already cool but if they have their own poster boy, well, we could learn a lot from them and their abilities to work together and build empires.
0:35 → 0:40
If Ant-Man was real that ant suit would be in demand with a capital D.
0:40 → 0:47
Scott Lang inherits the suit from Hank Pym which basically means, by donning a suit, we could all be tiny if we wanted to be.
0:47 → 0:57
This suit would need to be under lock and key with constant security surveillance because if people knew Ant-Man was real it would be the most expensive article of clothing in the world.
0:57 → 1:04
Also FYI, because of Pym particles, not only can people shrink really small, they can also grow really big.
1:04 → 1:06
What are Pym particles?
1:06 → 1:11
These are the particles that alter the size and mass of objects and living beings in the Ant-man verse.
1:11 → 1:13
Would Henry give away his secret?
1:13 → 1:17
If he did, wouldn't people be paying top bank for these laws of physics altering attack?
1:17 → 1:21
Wouldn't it be chaos if these weren't used in an appropriate way?
1:21 → 1:25
Perhaps people would use the ability to shrink pretty small or grow really big for malice.
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To be fair though, they'd likely just be used for pranks.
1:28 → 1:34
Imagine what YouTube would look like, and what damage Roman Atwood and Prank versus Prank could do with these particles.
1:34 → 1:39
Would ant-man and Pym technology pave the way for a medical revolution?
1:39 → 1:49
In the Ant-Man verse, Scott Lang saved the Hulk from motor neuron disease by shrinking down to micro size, entering the Hulk's genes and replacing his corrupt genes with healthy ones, and therefore curing him.
1:49 → 1:55
Perhaps using Pym particles we could cure a lot of diseases including, say, cancer.
1:55 → 1:59
That's right, if Ant-man was real we could cure cancer, why not?
1:59 → 2:07
Spin-off question though, if Lang aka Ant-Man can be manipulated with Pym particles, couldn't we do the same to tiny weenie robots?
2:07 → 2:12
Couldn't we make those? Why would we need tiny microscopic human surgeons when we could make robot surgeons?
2:12 → 2:17
Although, in a world of superheroes and villains maybe that could go horribly wrong.
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Anyway, what is almost as exciting as curing cancer? Being able to talk to other species that's what.
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With Ant-man's cybernetic helmets we could all talk to animals.
2:28 → 2:36
If we could all have cybernetic helmets, I for one would use mine combined with my shrinking to get ant size and explain to bugs why they can't live in my house.
2:36 → 2:45
I feel really guilty about squashing spiders and flies, but at the moment I don't have any choice because I can't communicate with them to tell them that they can't live in my house because they creep me out.
2:45 → 2:53
Ooh, speaking of creeping out, what would you even do if you got stuck at tiny size, and then had to live amongst ants and creepy crawlies forever?
2:53 → 2:56
How scary would a giant snail be, for example?
2:56 → 2:58
Or living in fear of being stepped on.
2:58 → 3:03
Uff, poor Ant-Man it really is a high-risk job! I hope he's getting fairly remunerated.
3:03 → 3:06
A couple of little side notes before I end this video with a mind twisting bang,
3:06 → 3:11
but according to ant-man law, if he is real, then so are the Illuminati.
3:11 → 3:15
Oh, conspiracy theorists would have an absolute field day.
3:15 → 3:20
For those of you that know Ant-Man, you'll also know that Scott Lang is a former prisoner turned heroes.
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So, we have to wonder if he was real, would this change the way we treat former convicts and would we have a universal healthy approach to the rehabilitation of offenders.
3:29 → 3:39
And finally back to the super hero and villain thing, if Ant-Man was real then would we be also saying hi to Batman, Spider-man, Captain America,
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Wolverine, Wonder Woman and the Silk Spectre. What about Kick-Ass and also what about Lex Luthor the Green Lantern and evil Catwoman?
3:46 → 3:50
Do women need to be sexy to be either good or evil?
3:50 → 3:58
Also, if Ant-man was real, would superheroes and villains be embroiled in a battle of good versus evil to which none of us mere mortals have any control?
3:58 → 4:00
If so, I mean that kind of sucks.
4:00 → 4:08
Speaking of mortals, if Ant-men were real does this mean the entire Avengers gang also exists, because hello, Thor's a God.
4:08 → 4:14
So, if Ant-Man is real and the Avengers are real does this mean God is real because... oh my God, bombshell!
4:14 → 4:22
Having some steadfast proof of the existence of a divine entity would really shake things up on Earth. I'm suitably mind-boggled,
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suffice to say that if Ant-Man was real we would basically change the world as we know it.
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Thanks guys for joining me in this video if you liked it why don't you leave the thumbs up and share it with a friend.
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And also why don't you leave me a comment to let me know what you think would happen if Ant-Man is real,
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also don't forget to let me know who your favorite superhero is.
4:37 → 4:44
For now I'm your host Rebecca Felgate, I'll catch you in the next video, but until then stay curious, stay alert and never ever stop questioning.