0:16 → 0:18
SPEAKER_00 You know what they say, time is money!
0:19 → 0:25
SPEAKER_00 A makeup organizer, a one-minute manicure, delicious morning hot
chocolate, and a supersonic pancake recipe?
0:25 → 0:36
SPEAKER_00 Today we'll show you how to save time with our lightning-fast life
0:36 → 0:39
SPEAKER_00 There's just never enough time in the morning to do your hair!
0:40 → 0:44
SPEAKER_00 And you're tired of going around with the same old hair!
0:44 → 0:45
SPEAKER_00 Here's the tip!
0:45 → 0:50
SPEAKER_00 Divide your slightly damp hair into two parts and braid it tightly.
0:50 → 0:54
SPEAKER_00 Keep the braids in while you sleep.
0:54 → 1:00
SPEAKER_00 Unbraid your hair in the morning and you'll have beautiful flowing
1:00 → 1:03
SPEAKER_00 Now your hair is so voluminous!
1:03 → 1:09
SPEAKER_00 And now, maybe even more exciting, since you don't need to spend time on
your hair now, you can sleep half an hour longer!
1:13 → 1:19
SPEAKER_00 And for the next life hack, you will need a piece of pipe, a flower pot, and
a ruler.
1:19 → 1:24
SPEAKER_00 Hot glue the pipe to the pot.
1:24 → 1:26
SPEAKER_00 Glue the ruler to the edges of the pot.
1:28 → 1:30
SPEAKER_00 Get a clean pair of socks.
1:30 → 1:31
SPEAKER_00 Stretch a sock over.
1:31 → 1:35
SPEAKER_00 This crazy device to put on your socks will save you so many seconds!
1:35 → 1:38
SPEAKER_00 Step on it and press the ruler to the floor.
1:38 → 1:40
SPEAKER_00 Push your other foot into the pipe.
1:40 → 1:43
SPEAKER_00 Just like that, your foot is dressed and ready to go!
1:43 → 1:48
SPEAKER_00 Now we just need to find someone who pulls the other sock on this Rube
Goldberg machine.
1:48 → 1:52
SPEAKER_00 It might not be the most practical invention, but it sure is funny!
1:54 → 1:56
SPEAKER_00 Not enough time to cook?
1:56 → 2:00
SPEAKER_00 Here's a simple recipe that will make your life easier and tastier!
2:00 → 2:03
SPEAKER_00 **** an egg into a bowl.
2:03 → 2:10
SPEAKER_00 Add half a cup of flour, baking powder, and a spoonful of sugar.
2:10 → 2:12
SPEAKER_00 Lastly, add some water.
2:12 → 2:16
SPEAKER_00 Mix everything very thoroughly so that there are no lumps.
2:16 → 2:18
SPEAKER_00 Pour the mixture into a plastic bottle.
2:18 → 2:19
SPEAKER_00 You can put it in the fridge.
2:21 → 2:28
SPEAKER_00 In the morning, all you have to do is pour the pancake dough on a hot pan and
fry them up.
2:28 → 2:29
SPEAKER_00 Sprinkle with powdered sugar.
2:29 → 2:31
SPEAKER_00 And garnish with berries.
2:31 → 2:32
SPEAKER_00 Bon appetit!
2:38 → 2:41
SPEAKER_00 Rushing around in the morning is never good news!
2:41 → 2:44
SPEAKER_00 Milk always ends up getting spilled!
2:44 → 2:47
SPEAKER_00 And you pour too much hot chocolate and get it everywhere!
2:47 → 2:52
SPEAKER_00 This life hack will show you how to be effective in those sleepy and
stressful morning moments!
2:52 → 2:57
SPEAKER_00 The evening before, dissolve a couple of spoonfuls of hot chocolate
powder in a glass of milk.
2:57 → 2:59
SPEAKER_00 Add sugar if you want, and mix thoroughly.
2:59 → 3:01
SPEAKER_00 Prepare an ice mold.
3:01 → 3:03
SPEAKER_00 Ladle the cocoa mixture into the mold.
3:03 → 3:04
SPEAKER_00 Freeze them overnight.
3:04 → 3:07
SPEAKER_00 In the morning, fill the glass with ice cubes.
3:07 → 3:11
SPEAKER_00 Microwave it for half a minute.
3:11 → 3:12
SPEAKER_00 Voila!
3:12 → 3:15
SPEAKER_00 Take out the glass of hot delicious chocolate!
3:15 → 3:17
SPEAKER_00 No more morning stress!
3:17 → 3:19
SPEAKER_00 Just a tasty and simple cup of hot cocoa!
3:23 → 3:25
SPEAKER_00 You just can't apply mascara in a hurry.
3:25 → 3:27
SPEAKER_00 It never ends well.
3:27 → 3:29
SPEAKER_00 One wrong move and it's all over.
3:29 → 3:33
SPEAKER_00 A mascara stain on your upper eyelid turns you into a panda.
3:33 → 3:37
SPEAKER_00 To avoid such frustrating situations, use this tip.
3:37 → 3:40
SPEAKER_00 In addition to mascara, you will need a regular tablespoon.
3:40 → 3:44
SPEAKER_00 Cover the upper lid with the spoon and apply the mascara as usual.
3:44 → 3:50
SPEAKER_00 That dangerous excess mascara will just go on the spoon and your
eyelashes will look perfect.
3:50 → 3:51
SPEAKER_00 Simple, really.
3:54 → 3:56
SPEAKER_00 Eyebrows frame the face!
3:56 → 3:58
SPEAKER_00 They're the first thing that catches the eye!
3:58 → 4:01
SPEAKER_00 We have a life hack passed down for generations!
4:01 → 4:05
SPEAKER_00 You need a lit candle and a wooden clothespin.
4:05 → 4:07
SPEAKER_00 Char the edges of the clothespin over the flame.
4:07 → 4:10
SPEAKER_00 Apply the charcoal on your brows.
4:10 → 4:15
SPEAKER_00 Painting with coal gives the eyebrows a dark tone and makes them look
more dramatic.
4:15 → 4:20
SPEAKER_00 The shape of the clothespin is convenient and lets you make a smooth line
with hardly any effort!
4:26 → 4:30
SPEAKER_00 Do your hands look neglected and need to be quickly put in order?
4:30 → 4:32
SPEAKER_00 We'll fix it ASAP!
4:32 → 4:34
SPEAKER_00 You need some Epsom salts.
4:34 → 4:40
SPEAKER_00 Pour salt into the bowl and add a few drops of carrier almond oil.
4:40 → 4:43
SPEAKER_00 Pour water.
4:43 → 4:46
SPEAKER_00 Stir until the solid particles dissolve completely.
4:46 → 4:49
SPEAKER_00 Dip your hands in water and wait 2 minutes.
4:52 → 4:56
SPEAKER_00 With the sharp end of an orange wood stick, shape your cuticles.
4:56 → 5:05
SPEAKER_00 Such a quick and simple procedure will not only help to put your hands in
order, but also strengthen your nails and make them healthy!
5:05 → 5:11
SPEAKER_00 In the meantime, if your nails are not perfect yet, the flaws can be
hidden with colored nail polish!
5:11 → 5:15
SPEAKER_00 But what to do if the watch is ticking and time is running out?
5:15 → 5:16
SPEAKER_00 No problem!
5:16 → 5:19
SPEAKER_00 You need standard nail polish and a bowl of cold water.
5:19 → 5:20
SPEAKER_00 Paint your nails!
5:21 → 5:24
SPEAKER_00 Dip your fingertips into the water.
5:24 → 5:26
SPEAKER_00 Set one minute on the timer.
5:26 → 5:35
SPEAKER_00 Cold water acts as a fixer, and the polish dries much faster!
5:35 → 5:43
SPEAKER_00 If painting your nails is too monotonous, and there's no time to go to the
salon, we'll show you how to do a fast and fresh French manicure!
5:44 → 5:47
SPEAKER_00 You can do it with the help of a balloon.
5:47 → 5:49
SPEAKER_00 Cut the narrow part of the balloon.
5:49 → 5:53
SPEAKER_00 Stretch it on the nail, leaving the tip of the nail uncovered.
5:53 → 6:00
SPEAKER_00 Paint the edge of the nail with white polish.
6:00 → 6:02
SPEAKER_00 Gently move the balloon.
6:02 → 6:04
SPEAKER_00 A smooth clear strip remains on the nail.
6:04 → 6:06
SPEAKER_00 It can be done very quickly!
6:06 → 6:10
SPEAKER_00 As a result, a stylish and simple manicure!
6:10 → 6:11
SPEAKER_00 Looks very beautiful!
6:15 → 6:19
SPEAKER_00 Now we'll show you where you should put your makeup so it's always ready
to go!
6:19 → 6:21
SPEAKER_00 You're going to need some magnets.
6:21 → 6:30
SPEAKER_00 Hot glue the magnets to the handles of brushes, palettes, and tubes.
6:30 → 6:33
SPEAKER_00 Now stick the magnetic makeup on a metal board.
6:33 → 6:37
SPEAKER_00 And if you put your makeup on in the kitchen, you can attach all the jars to
the refrigerator!
6:37 → 6:42
SPEAKER_00 All beauty tools are always in front of your eyes and at arm's length!
6:42 → 6:43
SPEAKER_00 Just amazing!
6:48 → 6:50
SPEAKER_00 For this life hack, you need a white sheet.
6:50 → 6:52
SPEAKER_00 Cut it into pieces.
6:52 → 6:52
SPEAKER_00 Fold in half.
6:52 → 6:55
SPEAKER_00 Put a number on each piece of paper.
6:55 → 7:00
SPEAKER_00 In order to save your morning from unnecessary fuss, you need to work out
a plan of action.
7:00 → 7:02
SPEAKER_00 First, hygiene.
7:02 → 7:05
SPEAKER_00 Put a towel and a toothbrush next to the number plate.
7:05 → 7:07
SPEAKER_00 Second, a quick breakfast and tea.
7:07 → 7:10
SPEAKER_00 Third, beauty treatments and light day makeup.
7:10 → 7:13
SPEAKER_00 So you have the necessary products ready.
7:13 → 7:15
SPEAKER_00 Put the clothes near the paper with the number 4.
7:17 → 7:18
7:18 → 7:20
SPEAKER_00 Collect your book bag 6.
7:20 → 7:30
SPEAKER_00 Don't forget to lock your door While living the morning according to a
clearly planned checklist, you will be surprised how much free time you
will have before your departure!
7:36 → 7:42
SPEAKER_00 It often happens that you are late because you spend a lot of time
collecting things throughout the apartment.
7:42 → 7:50
SPEAKER_00 The keys hidden on the shelf, the wallet on the nightstand, the
documents with the headphones hidden in the drawer, and the phone
spread out on the kitchen table.
7:50 → 7:53
SPEAKER_00 For this life hack, you need a plastic basket and a pair of hooks.
7:53 → 7:55
SPEAKER_00 Fasten the hooks on the front door.
7:55 → 7:57
SPEAKER_00 We attach the basket to them.
7:57 → 7:58
SPEAKER_00 Glue the paper reminder.
7:58 → 8:02
SPEAKER_00 Fold all the things you need to take with you into the basket.
8:02 → 8:05
SPEAKER_00 And before going out, carefully transfer them to your bag.
8:05 → 8:08
SPEAKER_00 Getting ready now takes no more than half a minute!
8:08 → 8:16
SPEAKER_00 You no longer need to run around the house and worry about leaving
something very important at home!
8:16 → 8:23
SPEAKER_00 And for the next life hack, you need a cardboard organizer for folders
and papers.
8:23 → 8:25
SPEAKER_00 Cut the top of the organizer to make a flat box.
8:26 → 8:29
SPEAKER_00 Next you need a microfiber cloth.
8:29 → 8:33
SPEAKER_00 Glue the fabric to the inside of the box.
8:33 → 8:37
SPEAKER_00 Use a hot glue gun for the best result.
8:37 → 8:41
SPEAKER_00 Now you have a soft and convenient cloth to polish your shoes.
8:41 → 8:43
SPEAKER_00 Put the box in the hallway.
8:44 → 8:49
SPEAKER_00 All you have to do is put your foot inside the box and polish your shoe with
the waiting cloth!
8:49 → 8:54
SPEAKER_00 No need to spend time taking your shoes off, searching for a rag, and
washing hands!
8:54 → 8:56
SPEAKER_00 Moreover, you do not even have to lean!
8:56 → 8:59
SPEAKER_00 A shoe polish box will do everything for you!
9:00 → 9:05
SPEAKER_00 The biggest problem of the in-between seasons is deciding which
clothes to wear.
9:05 → 9:12
SPEAKER_00 It's always summer in your heart, so of course you want to wear ballet
flats, but the cold weather is really not working with you.
9:12 → 9:17
SPEAKER_00 Your friend might be surprised when she sees your trendy outfit and your
cold, rosy cheeks.
9:17 → 9:22
SPEAKER_00 After all, she herself is wearing a big, puffy jacket and is still
9:22 → 9:28
SPEAKER_00 Next time, so you're not mistaken and end up in the wrong outfit, look at
the weather forecast before you pick out your clothes.
9:28 → 9:30
SPEAKER_00 It's easy, just download the weather app
9:30 → 9:32
SPEAKER_00 and you'll always be fully prepared.
9:48 → 9:51
SPEAKER_00 Did you like these time-saving life hacks?
9:51 → 9:52
SPEAKER_00 Have you been using any?
9:52 → 9:54
SPEAKER_00 Will you try out any of ours?
9:54 → 9:55
SPEAKER_00 Let us know in the comments.
9:55 → 9:58
SPEAKER_00 Don't forget to like this video and subscribe to our channel.
9:58 → 10:02
SPEAKER_00 Click the bell to be the first to know when we post new videos.