0:09 → 0:12
SPEAKER_00Energy is a rare and precious resource.
0:12 → 0:14
SPEAKER_00Buildings are the leading consumers of
0:14 → 0:17
SPEAKER_00energy in the industrialized countries.
0:17 → 0:19
SPEAKER_0075% of the energy consumed in a
0:19 → 0:21
SPEAKER_00dwelling is used just to keep it warm.
0:26 → 0:30
SPEAKER_00Poor insulation is the main cause of energy wastage.
0:33 → 0:35
SPEAKER_00With Saint-Gobain's innovative solutions,
0:35 → 0:40
SPEAKER_00the energy used for heating can be cut by 80%.
0:45 → 0:46
SPEAKER_00For new construction and renovation,
0:46 → 0:49
SPEAKER_00Saint-Gobain improves the building's envelope
0:49 → 0:51
SPEAKER_00with thermal insulation installed inside
0:51 → 0:54
SPEAKER_00or outside and enhanced thermal performance windows.
0:56 → 0:58
SPEAKER_00Saint-Gobain also pays close attention
0:58 → 1:01
SPEAKER_00to reducing the environmental impact throughout
1:01 → 1:02
SPEAKER_00all stages of the life of its
1:02 → 1:04
SPEAKER_00products, whether for the consumption of
1:04 → 1:06
SPEAKER_00water, energy or raw materials.
1:06 → 1:08
SPEAKER_00To verify its impact, the
1:08 → 1:11
SPEAKER_00group performs life-cycle analyses of its products.
1:14 → 1:16
SPEAKER_00The multi-comfort house combines
1:16 → 1:18
SPEAKER_00all Saint-Gobain's innovative solutions
1:18 → 1:20
SPEAKER_00for sustainable, healthy and attractive
1:20 → 1:22
SPEAKER_00buildings that protect the environment of
1:22 → 1:23
SPEAKER_00each of its inhabitants.
1:31 → 1:34
SPEAKER_00But multi-comfort is not just for individual houses.
1:34 → 1:37
SPEAKER_00It also applies to apartment blocks and service buildings.
1:37 → 1:39
SPEAKER_00This type of building consumes seven
1:39 → 1:41
SPEAKER_00times less energy than a new building
1:41 → 1:44
SPEAKER_00and 15 times less than an old building.
1:44 → 1:46
SPEAKER_00For Saint-Gobain, the goal of
1:46 → 1:49
SPEAKER_00improving well-being drives ongoing innovation.
1:49 → 1:50
SPEAKER_00More than one out of every
1:50 → 1:52
SPEAKER_00five products sold by Saint-Gobain did
1:52 → 1:53
SPEAKER_00not exist five years ago.
1:58 → 2:01
SPEAKER_00Innovations to improve the comfort of your home.
2:10 → 2:14
SPEAKER_00To redefine your living space and to live better together.
2:14 → 2:21
SPEAKER_00These innovative solutions are already
2:21 → 2:23
SPEAKER_00available close to where you live
2:23 → 2:25
SPEAKER_00with around 4,500 sales outlets and a presence in 27 countries.
2:30 → 2:32
SPEAKER_00A unique local network in Europe
2:32 → 2:35
SPEAKER_00offering hundreds of thousands of products,
2:35 → 2:37
SPEAKER_00expertise and professional advice in
2:37 → 2:38
SPEAKER_00response to your needs.
2:40 → 2:42
SPEAKER_00A network close to you, working
2:42 → 2:45
SPEAKER_00directly with more than 500,000 craftsmen.
2:45 → 2:48
SPEAKER_00Saint-Gobain is present in more
2:48 → 2:50
SPEAKER_00than 60 countries and is growing
2:50 → 2:52
SPEAKER_00rapidly in emerging countries.
2:54 → 2:56
SPEAKER_00The group provides tangible answers
2:56 → 2:59
SPEAKER_00to urbanization in high growth rate countries
2:59 → 3:02
SPEAKER_00and solutions for individual and collective habitats,
3:02 → 3:08
SPEAKER_00serving companies and communities, providing
3:08 → 3:10
SPEAKER_00access to water and energy,
3:10 → 3:12
SPEAKER_00or supporting eco-design buildings.
3:14 → 3:16
SPEAKER_00Saint-Gobain Solutions can be found
3:16 → 3:17
SPEAKER_00where we live, where we spend
3:17 → 3:20
SPEAKER_00time together, even in football stadiums.
3:24 → 3:27
SPEAKER_00Saint-Gobain offers a comprehensive range of products
3:27 → 3:29
SPEAKER_00and services for habitat with
3:29 → 3:31
SPEAKER_00innovative solutions developed by activities
3:31 → 3:33
SPEAKER_00at the forefront of technology.
3:34 → 3:37
SPEAKER_00manufacturing, medicine and transportation.
3:38 → 3:40
SPEAKER_00Did you know that the equivalent of
3:40 → 3:42
SPEAKER_0014 million vehicles a year are glazed by Saint-Gobain?
3:44 → 3:47
SPEAKER_00Saint-Gobain offers designers new opportunities
3:47 → 3:49
SPEAKER_00to create the boldest designs.
3:51 → 3:53
SPEAKER_00Their automotive glazing reduces the
3:53 → 3:54
SPEAKER_00need for air conditioning and heating.
3:54 → 3:58
SPEAKER_00It allows head-up display windshield.
3:58 → 4:00
SPEAKER_00This is no longer science fiction.
4:07 → 4:08
SPEAKER_00And did you know that Saint-Gobain is
4:08 → 4:10
SPEAKER_00also a partner in the conquest of space?
4:12 → 4:14
SPEAKER_00Saint-Gobain is inventing the world of tomorrow
4:14 → 4:18
SPEAKER_00and provides solutions today to build tomorrow's habitat.
4:18 → 4:20
SPEAKER_00On Earth and on Mars.
4:22 → 4:23
SPEAKER_00Saint-Gobain, the world leader
4:23 → 4:26
SPEAKER_00for sustainable habitat, with a history
4:26 → 4:27
SPEAKER_00that dates back 350 years.