0:00 → 0:07
Did you know that you can put in your profile
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if you want to offer your language or your voice or your service?
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I'll show you how to do that.
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When you are logged in to alugha, you click the avatar.
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There you go to your profile up here and then you go to settings.
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Scroll down to "My role in alugha" and you can select either Voice actor or Translator or both.
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I click voice actor, activate the profile, enter my languages, for example German is my native language,
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my second language is for example English and I speak it fluently.
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And so I can add language by language to my system.
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Then you can set your dubbing level, professional or amateur, you can select your voice, and then you click Save.
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Now you can also add that you are a translator, I will activate that
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and select English, which you know, I am fluent in.
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German is my native language, so the system automatically added that for me.
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I am a professional translator and again I can enter my professional experience.
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I click save and now what happens is that in the future, when we are looking for someone for a project,
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we can specifically search for these qualifications.
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For example, we are looking for someone who is fluent in English but a native German speaker,
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if for example we want to translate from English to German,
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a female voice and we want someone to translate and dub it.
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When we search for that, we will find you directly in our system and we can contact you.