0:00 → 0:06
SpeakerHey, Psych2Goers. Have you ever wondered if you're actually introverted?
0:06 → 0:15
SpeakerWhile many people know their camp almost immediately those who fall somewhere along the middle of the spectrum can have a harder time determining where they really stand.
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SpeakerIf so, hopefully this video can give you a clearer picture and answer your questions.
0:20 → 0:23
SpeakerLet's look at six signs you're not an introvert.
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SpeakerNumber one. You prefer being with friends, but you don't dislike strangers.
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SpeakerEveryone enjoys hanging out with friends.
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SpeakerBut when you're with new acquaintances, how do you feel about it?
0:34 → 0:41
SpeakerIf you feel at ease talking with strangers and can become friends with them right away, you probably lean more closely to the extroverted side.
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SpeakerWhile introverts aren't necessarily shy or socially awkward, it can be tiring for them to effortlessly let conversations flow with strangers
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Speakerunless they had a common ground straight away.
0:52 → 0:58
SpeakerAmbiverts and extroverts, on the other hand, don't mind the prospect of entertaining strangers.
0:58 → 1:03
SpeakerThey can hit things off and genuinely enjoy conversations about most things straight away.
1:03 → 1:08
SpeakerTwo. You're spontaneous. Do you like going out on every occasion you can,
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Speakerrather than staying holed up in bed all day.
1:11 → 1:16
SpeakerIf you find enjoyment in going on impulse trips alone or with your friends,
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Speakeryou might have a more extroverted side in you that you might have initially realized.
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SpeakerMost introverts tend to be more analytical and observant thinking about a situation thoroughly before taking a plunge.
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SpeakerOn the other hand, if you'd rather go with the flow and see where things lead you, you're probably an extrovert.
1:32 → 1:36
SpeakerNumber three. Take a timeout.
1:36 → 1:42
SpeakerWere you an extroverted kid? Were you somewhat popular or a class clown who enjoyed making everyone laugh?
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SpeakerIf you had extroverted tendencies when you were younger but have since outgrown them,
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Speakeryou might still have a part of you that enjoys interacting with other people.
1:51 → 1:56
SpeakerMaybe some traumatic events have led you to stop being your usual self.
1:56 → 2:03
SpeakerMaybe being isolated is a coping mechanism rather than something you're naturally drawn towards.
2:03 → 2:11
SpeakerWhile people can grow and change, it's always worth it to take a step back and find the roots of why you've changed.
2:11 → 2:15
SpeakerIf you can't do it yourself, talk to a therapist or a good friend about it.
2:15 → 2:18
SpeakerNumber four. You feel uninspired if you stay home on the weekends.
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SpeakerDo you hate having nothing to do on the weekends? You may be an extrovert.
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SpeakerIntroverts are perfectly content having nothing planned for the days they get to rest.
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SpeakerSome may even enjoy the idea of canceled plans if it gets them to laze around in bed all day.
2:34 → 2:40
SpeakerExtroverts do love being out and about though, whether it's to meet friends or to party.
2:40 → 2:51
SpeakerWhile introverts love their social time occasionally, extroverts would always try to find ways to fill up their weekend routine with a high energy and social endeavor like a party or meeting up with friends.
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SpeakerFive. You're equally good at communicating and listening.
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SpeakerDo you like shuffling between taking the lead and following others?
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SpeakerIf so those are key qualities of ambiverts.
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SpeakerExtroverts are more attuned to talking than listening, while introverts typically prefer listening.
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SpeakerHowever, if you find yourself drawn to both qualities, you may not necessarily be an extrovert, but an ambivert instead.
3:14 → 3:18
SpeakerAn ambivert is capable of making some small talk,
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Speakerthen can switch gears and get to business with a good mixture of both listening and communicating well with others.
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SpeakerAnd number six. You can match the mood of the crowd.
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SpeakerDo you excel in reading the room?
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SpeakerCan you hop into conversation with the same wavelength of someone else fairly easily?
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SpeakerAn introvert may take some time for themselves to diffuse and analyze situations,
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Speakerworking things through in their head and on how to respond to strangers.
3:47 → 3:55
SpeakerAmbiverts and extroverts on the other hand, can break in and naturally converse with other people much more readily.
3:55 → 4:00
SpeakerThey also typically enjoy the moment and are more free spirited than their introverted counterparts.
4:00 → 4:03
SpeakerWe hope you learned something from this video.
4:03 → 4:09
SpeakerSo which one are you really introvert or extrovert? Or maybe you're an ambivert.
4:09 → 4:14
SpeakerDid you relate to any of the above signs? If you did let us know in the comments section below.
4:14 → 4:20
SpeakerThat's all for now, Psych2Goers - if you found this video helpful, like and share it with friends that might find insight in this, too.
4:20 → 4:24
SpeakerRemember to subscribe to Psych2Go and hit the notification bell for more content.
4:24 → 4:28
SpeakerAll the sources used are added in the description box below.
4:28 → 4:31
SpeakerThanks so much for watching, until next time.