0:10 → 0:17
SPEAKER_00 Snowflake eyeshadow, crystal makeup brushes, EOS lip balm in a snowman, and a carrot beauty blender?
0:17 → 0:26
SPEAKER_00 Watch a winter makeup battle between Elsa and her sister Anna in our new video!
0:26 → 0:30
SPEAKER_00 Anna is looking forward to her sister Elsa coming over!
0:30 → 0:33
SPEAKER_00 She's been decorating the palace for the holidays all day long!
0:33 → 0:35
SPEAKER_00 Where is Elsa?
0:35 → 0:37
SPEAKER_00 She must have gotten stuck at a snowball contest!
0:37 → 0:38
SPEAKER_00 Somebody's coming!
0:40 → 0:43
SPEAKER_00 Our secret knock code!
0:43 → 0:44
SPEAKER_00 Here's Elsa!
0:44 → 0:45
SPEAKER_00 Hi, sis!
0:45 → 0:47
SPEAKER_00 Welcome to our decorated home!
0:47 → 0:53
SPEAKER_00 Anna put up the best stars, wrapped presents, and hung Christmas stockings!
0:53 → 0:54
SPEAKER_00 Do you like it?
0:54 → 1:00
SPEAKER_00 Anna definitely has a talent for castle decorating!
1:00 → 1:03
SPEAKER_00 Elsa really loves the look of everything!
1:03 → 1:05
SPEAKER_00 She wants to make a gift in return for her sister!
1:05 → 1:07
SPEAKER_00 Close your eyes!
1:07 → 1:08
SPEAKER_00 Look what's in this box!
1:12 → 1:14
SPEAKER_00 It's Olaf!
1:14 → 1:18
SPEAKER_00 And there is a lip balm hidden inside of him!
1:18 → 1:23
SPEAKER_00 Paint an EOS container white.
1:23 → 1:28
SPEAKER_00 Roll light white clay to make balls which will be the body and the feet for our snowman.
1:28 → 1:31
SPEAKER_00 Shape Olaf's iconic head.
1:31 → 1:33
SPEAKER_00 Use a toothpick to score details.
1:33 → 1:36
SPEAKER_00 Make a smile and a hole for a nose.
1:36 → 1:37
SPEAKER_00 Attach front teeth.
1:39 → 1:42
SPEAKER_00 Draw the snowman's hands and hair on parchment paper.
1:42 → 1:44
SPEAKER_00 Trace the drawings with hot glue.
1:44 → 1:48
SPEAKER_00 Put pieces of thin wire onto arms before the glue hardens.
1:48 → 1:51
SPEAKER_00 Remove parchment paper when the pieces are hardened.
1:51 → 1:54
SPEAKER_00 And coat them with brown acrylic paint.
1:54 → 1:59
SPEAKER_00 Hot glue the body and the head to the EOS container.
1:59 → 2:01
SPEAKER_00 Attach the feet the same way.
2:01 → 2:02
SPEAKER_00 Add a carrot nose.
2:02 → 2:05
SPEAKER_00 And eyes made out of light clay.
2:05 → 2:07
SPEAKER_00 Draw eyebrows with a marker.
2:07 → 2:08
SPEAKER_00 Attach the hair.
2:08 → 2:12
SPEAKER_00 Stick the arms into the light clay body.
2:12 → 2:13
SPEAKER_00 And attach light clay buttons.
2:16 → 2:18
SPEAKER_00 What a cute little snowman!
2:18 → 2:18
2:18 → 2:20
SPEAKER_00 Olaf loves warm hugs!
2:20 → 2:21
SPEAKER_00 He's charming!
2:21 → 2:24
SPEAKER_00 But let's get back to business!
2:24 → 2:26
SPEAKER_00 Our Christmas tree needs some snow!
2:26 → 2:29
SPEAKER_00 Maybe Elsa can add some special snow effects!
2:29 → 2:35
SPEAKER_00 Elsa accidentally throws a chip of ice right into Anna's heart while conjuring!
2:35 → 2:40
SPEAKER_00 Elsa is so upset that she runs away to the mountains so that she won't hurt anybody again!
2:42 → 2:47
SPEAKER_00 Anna is all alone so she decides to face her ice fears!
2:47 → 2:49
SPEAKER_00 Where is her warm mirror?
2:49 → 2:57
SPEAKER_00 Draw parallel lines on the lid of a round mirror.
2:57 → 2:59
SPEAKER_00 Apply hot glue to make a knitted pattern.
2:59 → 3:04
SPEAKER_00 It is supposed to look like a knitted sweater.
3:04 → 3:07
SPEAKER_00 Coat it with acrylic paint when the glue is dry.
3:07 → 3:09
SPEAKER_00 Paint a deer following the knitted pattern.
3:14 → 3:19
SPEAKER_00 Add light blue accents.
3:19 → 3:22
SPEAKER_00 Anna takes a close look at the damage.
3:22 → 3:25
SPEAKER_00 Well, it looks like I will have to dye these white strands!
3:25 → 3:30
SPEAKER_00 Plus, I have to bring my sister back right now!
3:30 → 3:33
SPEAKER_00 Elsa is trying to take her mind off things in her ice castle!
3:33 → 3:36
SPEAKER_00 She freezes all the makeup around her out of grief!
3:36 → 3:40
SPEAKER_00 Even her favorite eyeshadow turned into a snowflake!
3:40 → 3:43
SPEAKER_00 Trace an eyeshadow pot in the center of a styrofoam snowflake.
3:44 → 3:49
SPEAKER_00 Make a hollow with the heated nozzle of a hot glue gun.
3:49 → 3:52
SPEAKER_00 Hot glue the eyeshadow pot inside.
3:52 → 3:55
SPEAKER_00 Coat the snowflake with stationary glue.
3:55 → 4:00
SPEAKER_00 And sprinkle it with white, turquoise, and light blue glitter.
4:00 → 4:03
SPEAKER_00 Cover the cap with clear nail polish.
4:03 → 4:06
SPEAKER_00 Sprinkle it with big glitter.
4:06 → 4:11
SPEAKER_00 Decorate the snowflake with rhinestones of different colors and shapes.
4:11 → 4:13
SPEAKER_00 Hot glue a heart in the center.
4:20 → 4:26
SPEAKER_00 It doesn't matter how much snow beauty is around, Elsa is still thinking about her sister.
4:26 → 4:27
SPEAKER_00 What has she done?
4:27 → 4:30
SPEAKER_00 Anna will also turn into a snowflake!
4:30 → 4:33
SPEAKER_00 But Elsa is afraid of hurting her even more!
4:33 → 4:37
SPEAKER_00 Hiding in her ice castle far away is better for everyone!
4:37 → 4:39
SPEAKER_00 And turning snow into makeup instead of people!
4:41 → 4:44
SPEAKER_00 Any detective would be jealous of Anna's determination!
4:44 → 4:48
SPEAKER_00 She finds her sister's ice castle with the help of some penguins!
4:48 → 4:50
SPEAKER_00 And she begs Elsa to come back home!
4:50 → 4:53
SPEAKER_00 Elsa sees that her frozen sister is suffering!
4:53 → 4:55
SPEAKER_00 But she's way too afraid of hurting her again!
4:55 → 4:57
SPEAKER_00 Anna came prepared!
4:57 → 5:01
SPEAKER_00 She has brought Sven's favorite carrot to remind Elsa of their home!
5:01 → 5:07
SPEAKER_00 Draw carrot leaves on a green foam rubber sheet.
5:07 → 5:08
SPEAKER_00 Cut them out.
5:09 → 5:15
SPEAKER_00 Hot glue them to an orange beauty blender.
5:15 → 5:18
SPEAKER_00 Elsa remembers her childhood games with her sister.
5:18 → 5:20
SPEAKER_00 And conjures a snowman!
5:20 → 5:23
SPEAKER_00 But it's not regular, it's soft!
5:23 → 5:27
SPEAKER_00 Take a sponge of a suitable color and shape and cut off its top.
5:27 → 5:29
SPEAKER_00 Round it so that it's shaped like a snowman.
5:30 → 5:34
SPEAKER_00 Attach beads to be eyes and a foam rubber sheet smile with painted teeth.
5:34 → 5:35
5:35 → 5:40
SPEAKER_00 These beauty blenders remind Elsa of how they used to do their makeup for a ball!
5:40 → 5:42
SPEAKER_00 Oh, the good old days!
5:42 → 5:43
SPEAKER_00 Well, I can't help it!
5:43 → 5:49
SPEAKER_00 Elsa will go back home together with Anna and try to fix everything!
5:49 → 5:52
SPEAKER_00 Elsa takes care of her freezing sister as much as she can!
5:52 → 5:54
SPEAKER_00 A warm blanket.
5:54 → 5:55
SPEAKER_00 Delicious teeth.
5:56 → 5:57
SPEAKER_00 And what is that?
5:57 → 5:58
SPEAKER_00 Sweet candy canes?
5:58 → 5:59
SPEAKER_00 Hold on!
5:59 → 6:01
SPEAKER_00 These aren't regular candy canes!
6:01 → 6:03
SPEAKER_00 These are makeup brushes!
6:03 → 6:07
SPEAKER_00 Roll light clay.
6:07 → 6:09
SPEAKER_00 Cut off one end.
6:09 → 6:12
SPEAKER_00 And insert the handle of a makeup brush inside.
6:12 → 6:15
SPEAKER_00 Bend the other end to make a cane.
6:15 → 6:16
SPEAKER_00 Let it harden.
6:16 → 6:21
SPEAKER_00 Paint a spiral with acrylic paint so that it looks like a candy cane.
6:21 → 6:25
SPEAKER_00 Coat the candy cane makeup brush with clear acrylic polish to make it shiny.
6:27 → 6:29
SPEAKER_00 These brushes are so beautiful!
6:29 → 6:32
SPEAKER_00 Makeup cheers up Anna even more than candies!
6:32 → 6:33
SPEAKER_00 Thanks, sis!
6:33 → 6:35
SPEAKER_00 What a perfect gift!
6:35 → 6:37
SPEAKER_00 But that's not all yet!
6:37 → 6:41
SPEAKER_00 Elsa conjured frozen crystal makeup brushes for herself!
6:41 → 6:45
SPEAKER_00 Apply a thick layer of hot glue to a makeup brush.
6:45 → 6:47
SPEAKER_00 Cover the entire handle.
6:47 → 6:50
SPEAKER_00 Use a knife to shape facets when the glue dries.
6:50 → 6:54
SPEAKER_00 Cut out a crystal.
6:54 → 6:56
SPEAKER_00 Coat it with acrylic paint.
6:57 → 7:00
SPEAKER_00 Use a few cool shades.
7:00 → 7:05
SPEAKER_00 Make an even transition of colors using a brush with a little paint.
7:05 → 7:07
SPEAKER_00 Cover it with pearl acrylic polish.
7:11 → 7:12
SPEAKER_00 These brushes are unique!
7:12 → 7:15
SPEAKER_00 Elsa is an expert in magic!
7:15 → 7:18
SPEAKER_00 Both sets of magical brushes look great!
7:18 → 7:20
SPEAKER_00 However, we face a problem!
7:20 → 7:21
SPEAKER_00 What are we supposed to use them with?
7:21 → 7:24
SPEAKER_00 Elsa always has some makeup on hand!
7:24 → 7:27
SPEAKER_00 It's hidden in an unusual locket with a snowflake!
7:27 → 7:31
SPEAKER_00 Draw a snowflake pattern on the lid of a face powder compact with a marker.
7:31 → 7:35
SPEAKER_00 Trace the outline with hot glue.
7:35 → 7:38
SPEAKER_00 Coat the entire powder compact with acrylic paint when the glue is dry.
7:41 → 7:44
SPEAKER_00 Cover the background with clear acrylic polish.
7:44 → 7:48
SPEAKER_00 And abundantly sprinkle it with blue glitter.
7:48 → 7:54
SPEAKER_00 Paint the snowflake silver.
7:54 → 7:57
SPEAKER_00 Hot glue silver ribbon to the bottom of the powder compact.
8:01 → 8:05
SPEAKER_00 Elsa gives her locket to her beloved little sister!
8:05 → 8:07
SPEAKER_00 What kind of secret is it holding?
8:07 → 8:10
SPEAKER_00 Anna opens the locket and there is face powder inside!
8:10 → 8:11
8:11 → 8:15
SPEAKER_00 I can fix my face makeup after playing in snow for a long time!
8:15 → 8:18
SPEAKER_00 Elsa and Anna try out their brushes in action!
8:18 → 8:20
SPEAKER_00 The face powder looks amazing!
8:20 → 8:22
SPEAKER_00 But something is wrong!
8:22 → 8:24
SPEAKER_00 Anna isn't getting any better!
8:24 → 8:26
SPEAKER_00 Makeup won't help us out here!
8:26 → 8:28
SPEAKER_00 You can't cover a frozen heart with makeup!
8:29 → 8:30
SPEAKER_00 What should we do?
8:30 → 8:33
SPEAKER_00 How can Elsa help her sister?
8:33 → 8:35
SPEAKER_00 Disaster strikes!
8:35 → 8:37
SPEAKER_00 Anna's become frozen!
8:37 → 8:39
SPEAKER_00 Even the fireplace can't help her!
8:39 → 8:42
SPEAKER_00 Elsa sees a frozen heart in her sister's hands!
8:42 → 8:44
SPEAKER_00 I need to do something immediately!
8:44 → 8:48
SPEAKER_00 Score a snowflake pattern on an EOS lip balm with a toothpick.
8:48 → 8:55
SPEAKER_00 Mix some old lip balm with blue food coloring.
8:55 → 8:56
SPEAKER_00 Add white edible glitter.
8:57 → 9:02
SPEAKER_00 Melt it in a microwave.
9:02 → 9:07
SPEAKER_00 Fill the snowflake pattern with the blue mixture using a toothpick.
9:07 → 9:11
SPEAKER_00 Take half of a clear heart mold and put the EOS inside.
9:12 → 9:16
SPEAKER_00 Add some blue food coloring to water.
9:16 → 9:18
SPEAKER_00 And pour it into the mold with the EOS.
9:18 → 9:20
SPEAKER_00 Let it freeze.
9:20 → 9:23
SPEAKER_00 Pour colored water into the other half of the mold.
9:23 → 9:25
SPEAKER_00 And cover it with the frozen half.
9:27 → 9:28
SPEAKER_00 Put it into a freezer.
9:29 → 9:32
SPEAKER_00 Elsa melts the ice with her warm breath.
9:32 → 9:36
SPEAKER_00 Here it is, the very piece of ice that got into my sister's heart!
9:36 → 9:40
SPEAKER_00 Anna thaws out along with the heart as if by magic!
9:40 → 9:43
SPEAKER_00 There it is, the magic of sisterly love!
9:43 → 9:46
SPEAKER_00 It is stronger than any other type of magic!
9:46 → 9:48
SPEAKER_00 Ice won't hurt Anna anymore!
9:48 → 9:50
SPEAKER_00 Actually, it can be very helpful!
9:50 → 9:52
SPEAKER_00 Because this is a nice lip balm!
9:52 → 9:54
SPEAKER_00 Don't be afraid of the snowflake!
9:54 → 9:56
SPEAKER_00 This EOS will protect your lips from the cold!
9:57 → 10:01
SPEAKER_00 Anna forgave her sister for all her ice magic a long time ago!
10:01 → 10:03
SPEAKER_00 Because she loves her a lot!
10:03 → 10:07
SPEAKER_00 And now it's time to drink hot chocolate!
10:07 → 10:10
SPEAKER_00 Did you like our fairy tale makeup?
10:10 → 10:13
SPEAKER_00 Then write in the comments whose makeup you liked the most!
10:13 → 10:14
SPEAKER_00 Elsa or Anna's?
10:14 → 10:22
SPEAKER_00 And don't forget to give this video a thumbs-up, subscribe to our channel, and click the bell so that you don't miss new fairy tale stories on Troom Troom!