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Hello, hello, and welcome to this live stream.
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First of all, I do have to apologize
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as it seems that I tried to go live an hour early
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from the planned live that I had.
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And well, things didn't work out quite as I had expected
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because the software that I was using
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decided not to go live early.
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So I was actually talking to myself.
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So I decided what I would do is I would
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delete the original live.
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And what I would do is I would go live 30 minutes beforehand.
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And now that I've rehearsed the actual webinar,
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it's going to be so much better.
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So first of all, welcome along to this webinar.
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If you're watching live, do let me know.
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Do leave a comment.
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If you are watching the replay, which hopefully, fingers
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Cross will be replayed, also let me know.
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And I, of course, am Richard "Coacher" Butler.
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And I'm here to talk about goal setting,
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because goal setting is something that is really, really important, in my opinion,
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because you see, what happens is a lot of the times we don't know what we're doing
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in life. I mean, we get thrown into a job.
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We, well, let's step back.
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we get thrown into a college course because everybody else
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in your family did law and you decide to do law
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or become a teacher, whatever it may be.
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And you don't think a lot about
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why you're actually where you are.
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And the honest reason of why you are where you are is
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because that's the path you took.
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But it might be the path that you wanted to take.
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And that's fine because we can always reinvent ourselves.
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Now, when I created the original live,
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I said that what I wanted to do was
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I wanted to show you how to do more by doing less.
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And I think one of the problems with goal setting
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is that people tend to try and do too much
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and reach too many goals.
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And you know what happens?
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They end up reaching none of them.
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So that's the first thing that you should start simple goals.
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I mean, I've listened to all of the great gurus.
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I mean, from my time anyway,
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but the Zig Ziglar's and the Tony Robbins and all of those.
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And a lot of the times they say,
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create, you know, mega massive goals,
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because that's the best way to do it.
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And I say, I say, hey, Philip, actually, how are you doing?
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Now I say you have to set goals which are right for you.
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And I'm gonna show you a technique
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that you've probably heard of before,
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but I've just made a change to it.
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And it will help you set better goals.
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So the first thing that we have to really do
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is we have to define what is goal setting.
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So goal setting is simply having an objective
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that you want to reach.
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That's it.
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That objective can be anything.
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and that objective is personal to you.
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You can't look at somebody else and say,
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oh, that's my objective to be like Elon Musk.
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Although I personally wouldn't like to be like Elon Musk,
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but I mean, you can't set your objective
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based on somebody else.
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You have to base it on yourself because you are unique.
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And when you know this objective,
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what you want to do is create a roadmap
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to reach that objective.
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So it's like when you go in your car
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and you're going off into new territory,
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somewhere that you've never driven before.
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You don't just drive down the road
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and hope that you will arrive there.
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Because if you go out without having an objective,
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how do you know when you've reached that particular place?
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Now, if you have any questions, do let me know
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and I'll answer all of your questions.
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We'll be here for about 30 minutes or so.
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So you want to create a roadmap to reach your goals.
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Now, interestingly enough, I was in a discussion, apologies if I
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sniffle a little bit because I do have a bit of a cold.
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I was in a discussion in a group and I said to somebody, do you know how much
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you need to be charging per hour for your services in order to reach your goal?
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And they said, oh, I've never thought about that.
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So, I mean, if your goal is to work just 15 hours a week, you need to know what
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your income is and what income you want to to earn.
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I mean, if you want to earn 1500 and you just want to work 10 hours a week,
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then you need to be charging 150 euros an hour for your actual services.
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But a lot of people don't even realise that.
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I always say to people, it's common sense,
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but common sense is not so common, which is which is obviously the problem.
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Now, in a poll that I did on LinkedIn, people responded, I think it was 87%
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responded that they did actually want to set goals for the next year.
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And I think if you set a goal, you have an objective.
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You're more likely to reach something, whatever that something is.
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I mean, if I'm talking to you, my HR community, if you are in the company
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and the boss says that we need to increase headcount, I mean, you're always going
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to ask for, well, how many people do you want?
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You're always going to ask about your KPIs for the year.
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How many people do you have to be able to place?
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How many people do you have to be able to do this and that, etc.
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So you need to have a goal to reach something.
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You need to be able to reach your objective.
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Once you know your objective, you can work backwards.
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I mean, I remember when I worked in Hayes recruitment, we knew the metrics of
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how many business development calls had to be made in order to close a meeting.
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So if you made one thousand business
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appointment calls, you knew that you would be able to close X amount of meetings.
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If you closed X amount of meetings, you knew that you would get X amount of jobs.
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If you got X amount of jobs, you knew that you would be able to close X amount of jobs.
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So we need to have metrics.
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Now, if that makes sense, let me know.
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And while you're answering that question,
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I'm just going to blow my nose. So do I do a poll?
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I mean, the thing is, if you're working for a company,
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you shouldn't be working without objectives.
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have a goal in place.
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And you know whether you have reached that goal or not
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because you have benchmarks during the year that they say,
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oh, you're not achieving your goal.
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You haven't reached your potential yet, et cetera.
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So it is so important to make sure
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that you have a goal so that you can have a roadmap.
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6:56 → 6:58
Now, one of the problems with goals is--
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and I'm talking from a personal point of view--
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is people set a goal for somebody else.
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And you say, what does that mean?
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And what I mean by that is people set a goal
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for their partner.
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I need to give up smoking
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because my partner isn't happy with me smoking.
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I need to give up smoking because my kids have told me
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they don't like me smoking.
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Now that's not a good goal to set because maybe,
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and I've met people who have tried to give up smoking,
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but they say, I really enjoy smoking
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and I don't want to give it up.
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I mean, I'm not here to judge anybody.
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If they don't want to go smoking, that's fine.
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No, they're not setting the goal for themselves.
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They're setting it for somebody else.
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So the first thing that you need to do
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with your goal setting is identify your values
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and your priorities.
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Okay, what is your values?
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Or what are your values?
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Well, my values are that, you know,
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I always want to be a good person.
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7:55 → 7:58
My goal is to lead the company,
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to take over all the small independent stores that are in my area.
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Well, maybe that goal doesn't sit well
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with you because your values are to be good to people.
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So think about that.
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I mean, if you haven't achieved your goals up to now,
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maybe the goal that you set doesn't sit well with your values.
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I mean, one of my values is freedom.
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So if I set a goal and say I want to be earning 60,000 a month.
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Well, that's not going to sit well with me
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because that means I have to give up my freedom.
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And one of my values, one of my priorities is freedom.
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So I have to re-look at that goal.
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The second thing that you must do is you must set smart goals.
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Now, we're going to talk about smart goals and I'm going to talk about them
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slightly differently to what everybody else says.
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OK, but you need to set a smart goal.
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That's all I'm going to say about smart goals.
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Then you need to make a plan.
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And please, as I said, if you have any questions, do let me know.
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then you need to make a plan of how you are going to achieve that goal.
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And I would break this down into, I mean, if you say I want to earn 120,000 a year.
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Okay. How many months do you want to work? Well, I only want to work 10 months. Okay. So you need
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to be making 12,000 a month. Ooh, that's a lot of money. But if you break that down, that's 4,000
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a week. That's 4000 week for eight. That is 5000. No math was my strong subject. But let's say let's
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make it simple. It 10,000 a month. Okay. That means then that in order to make 10,000 a month,
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you need to make that 2500 if I'm correct, a week. Okay, so if I want to only work 10 hours,
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I need to be charging 250 euros for 10 hours of work.
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Now, that doesn't sound as bad as when I said I want to earn.
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And again, let's even it off 100,000 a year.
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OK, I mean, that may be more manageable.
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So you can then come up with a plan.
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What can I sell to people that is worth 250 dollars or euros an hour?
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The fourth thing that you need to be able to do is to track your progress,
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Because in order to succeed with your goal,
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you need to see where you are in your goal.
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I mean, if you're driving down the road
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and you're not checking how close you are
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to your destination--
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I mean, you know the way Google Maps and Apple Maps,
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they tell you you are 21 minutes out, 15 minutes out.
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You don't know, oh, I'm on track.
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I'm on, and I'm going to reach my goal in the time
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that I thought I would reach my goal.
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So we do it all the time.
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We track our progress with everything,
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accept when it comes to personal things.
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And the fourth or the fifth thing,
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numbers are not my strong point today,
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the fifth thing is celebrate each and every achievement that you make.
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No matter how small it is, start off with a small achievement.
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Hey, I made it to the gym one day this week.
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Yeah, that's really good.
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Oh, my God, I made it four days.
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And soon it becomes in a month you've made it four days every single week.
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Celebrate those wins, but celebrate them correctly.
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I mean, if you say I'm going to give up smoking
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and then you celebrate with a cigarette at the end of the week or a cigar.
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Not such a great idea.
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If you say I'm going to go to the gym
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four times a week and you celebrate by eating chocolate.
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Not the best of ideas, perhaps.
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So that is very, very important.
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Now, any questions I'm going to do a little drink and just clear my nose.
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And of course, if you have questions after
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the live, you can always leave your questions in the comments.
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I will ask. I will answer them.
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Now, let's talk about SMART goals.
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So each letter of SMART has a meaning.
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And I'm going to show you the meaning that most people say.
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And I'm going to show you the meaning that I believe you should be looking at.
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So the first thing is, it has to be specific.
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So if you say, and this comes from Tony Robbins,
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he always says, you know, I'm in the audience and I'm talking to somebody
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and they say, I want to make more money. And he says, here, here's a dollar.
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Now you've achieved your goal. It wasn't specific.
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OK, so you need to say, I want to make fifty dollars a day extra.
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But I think it has to be special.
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I think the goal has to be special for you.
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And you'll see why when I talk about what stops us achieving our goals.
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So that's the first one for me.
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It has to be special.
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Common wisdom says it has to be measurable.
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I think it has to be a meaningful goal.
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And it has to be meaningful to you.
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It has to have some meaning to you.
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If it's just, well, I want to, I don't know,
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build an extension.
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Well, why do you want to build an extension into your house?
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What is behind that?
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Well, I want to put meaning into it
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because I want to see that my family are taken care of,
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that my parents can live in the extension.
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Whatever it may be, this goes back to your values
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and your priorities as well.
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It has to be achievable.
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Or what I prefer to say is it has to be action-based.
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So you have to be able to take some sort of action
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based on it, or when you write out your SMART goal,
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there has to be some action attached to it.
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Because a lot of the times what happens is
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we write out our goals, or we think about our goals,
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and we feel much better.
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I mean, I'm sure it's happened to you.
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You've joined the gym and you instantly feel better.
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You're like, yeah, I've accomplished something.
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I've joined the gym.
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And you go, well, yeah, I mean,
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you have to come to a little bit more than just joining the gym,
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but we don't take action.
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The next thing is it has to be realistic
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or what I like to say is it has to be reachable.
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Now, what do I mean by that?
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If I have never run a race in my life and I say I want to do the New York
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marathon in the next six months, that mightn't be realistically,
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it might be realistic, it might be reachable.
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But if I am somebody who has trained for
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it may be really realistic for me.
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So make your goals realistic, make them reachable
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because what you don't want to do is set an enormous goal
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of I'm going to earn $50 million in the next 12 months.
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And I know a lot of people say shoot for the stars
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and you'll end in the moon or shoot for the moon
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and you'll end in the stars or whatever the saying may be.
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And yes, you need to make a goal that is a little bit
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beyond your comfort zone, but you don't want to have it
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that it is so crazily big that you have no way of reaching it.
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And then that gives you negative feedback that you kind of go, oh, well,
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I didn't reach that.
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The last thing that you want to do is you want to have a time based or trackable
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so that you know that you will reach this goal within six months,
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within six weeks, whatever it may be, and you may break down the goal.
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Within six months, I want to run the New York Marathon.
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Within three months, I want to be able to have run whatever it is,
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twelve and a half miles.
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three months, I want to be able to run six and a half miles.
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Within the first month, I want to be able to run four miles.
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And you have broken it down.
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Because if you say I'm going to be able to run 26 miles in six months,
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I mean, it's huge, it's gigantic.
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I mean, it seems unachievable.
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OK, everybody OK up to now.
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And again, if you are,
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if you are looking on the replay, do leave a message and I will let you know
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the answer to your question.
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Now, why do we not achieve our goals?
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15:21 → 15:23
I'm not tell you why tomorrow.
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No, I'm only kidding you.
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I'm going to tell you.
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I'm going to tell you why now.
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A lot of the times what happens is we say I'll do it tomorrow.
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That manana syndrome, for those of you based in Spain, you'll know all about that.
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But it's the idea of I will do it tomorrow.
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OK, I will do this tomorrow.
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And this is one of the killers because why don't we do it today?
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I mean, why don't we even make the first step?
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I mean, after this live or after you watch this recording, you can take the first
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step, which is maybe write out what you want, even just the first draft.
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That's all you need to do.
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But just take action.
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The second reason why we don't achieve our goals is and thank you for the yes.
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The second reason why we don't achieve our goals is a lack of motivation.
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This this live is actually sponsored by Mercadola tissues.
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Thank you, Mercadola. So lack of motivation.
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Why would we have lack of motivation?
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because the goal doesn't fit in with our values, because the goal isn't special to us,
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because you're doing it for somebody else and your heart is not in it.
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So you don't get motivated.
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Have you ever done something?
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I mean, you've spent four, I'll tell you what,
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I've spent four hours researching a product that I want to buy or researching
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a gadget I want to buy, but if you said to me, watch this
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program or watch this French course or German or Chinese language course for four
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hours, I'd say no, because I wouldn't be motivated because it's not something I want
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But when I watch videos about gadgets or how to do something, I'm super interested.
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So I am motivated.
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The third thing that stops us is distractions.
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I mean, we have the mobile phone.
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Just as we were talking there, I saw a message from somebody coming up
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and I thought, oh, I need to I need to I need to look at my message.
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Or on the on the Apple Watch, you have this problem as well.
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So distractions are a huge thing.
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And I think we get distracted super easily.
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I think we verge off and think about different things.
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And sometimes because we're not motivated,
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because the goal isn't something that we really want.
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We allow ourselves to get distracted easily.
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And I think the last problem that can come up is a lack of support.
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You don't have people cheering you on.
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You don't have the support of your partner, of your friends.
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Sometimes your friends won't support you because they won't say, well,
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Who are you thinking that you're going to go over and
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live this lifestyle and be free to travel wherever you want and to be a digital
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nomad and I'm going to be stuck in my nine to five job.
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I'm not going to support you on that.
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And that's their issue rather than your issue.
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OK, Phil, anybody else who's on any questions because it's now or never.
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So this is why I think it is so important to create goals,
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because by creating goals, we have something to work for.
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By creating goals when the going gets tough,
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you can look at why you are doing this.
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I mean, if you're working for yourself, if you're working hard in a company,
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if you don't have a goal, you are going to say, why am I doing this?
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And then you suddenly go, well, I don't know.
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Well, I'm just doing it for the money.
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Well, that's not a good motivation.
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You need to ask yourself, why am I doing this?
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OK, so really, really important.
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The next step, if you are interested, is I want to put together just a five day
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setting challenge and I'd love you to join me.
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And all you need to do to find out more
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about this challenge is send me a direct message or just leave a comment,
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challenge in the actual comments.
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And that's it. And I'll send you all that information.
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I want to start that in early January,
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definitely not the first, maybe the second or third of January.
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I want to set that up.
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But it's just five days to get you started on the right path.
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And if you're interested, just send me a message,
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message underneath this video and I will get back to you.
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So guys, that's it.
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A super simple way to
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set your goals. Remember, let me just go through it again.
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You want to identify your values.
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You want to set smart goals.
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You want to make the plan.
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You want to track your progress.
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You want to celebrate your achievements.
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And you want to make sure when you set your smart goals
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They're specific or special.
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They're measurable and meaningful.
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They are achievable and action based.
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They are realistic and reachable and that they are time based to track.
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Because I mean, if you say I want to earn 50,000 extra, you could do that over
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the course of 50 years, it's only a thousand euros, a thousand dollars.
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OK, and I'm going to leave it at that, guys.
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So hopefully you enjoyed this very quick, very simple goal setting.
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And if you want to see more live outs, getting yourself out there more as a HR person or just as a regular person, you can always reach out to me and I'll talk to you very, very soon.
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Thank you very much and see you in the next live.