0:04 → 0:07
SPEAKER_01Two technical record-breaking achievements in one image.
0:07 → 0:09
SPEAKER_01The Gölcchtalbrücke, built in 1851,
0:09 → 0:12
SPEAKER_01the largest brick bridge in the world.
0:12 → 0:14
SPEAKER_01The other is the Cargolifter Aircrane,
0:14 → 0:16
SPEAKER_01the first crane system in the world
0:16 → 0:22
SPEAKER_01that is lighter than air, tested since 2011.
0:22 → 0:23
SPEAKER_02We are here in front of
0:23 → 0:26
SPEAKER_02the first Cargolifter Aircrane balloon.
0:26 → 0:28
SPEAKER_02As the name suggests, it's a crane
0:28 → 0:30
SPEAKER_02system where we use a balloon as a hoist.
0:31 → 0:33
SPEAKER_02Behind me you can see a balloon.
0:33 → 0:36
SPEAKER_02It is filled with helium, a gas which is lighter than air.
0:36 → 0:39
SPEAKER_02One cubic meter of helium can lift one kilogram.
0:39 → 0:41
SPEAKER_02The balloon behind us holds almost
0:41 → 0:44
SPEAKER_026,000 cubic meters of helium, which means
0:44 → 0:47
SPEAKER_02we can lift the balloon and about four tons.
0:49 → 0:54
SPEAKER_01The underlying idea?
0:54 → 0:56
SPEAKER_01Using the helium's uplift inside a
0:56 → 0:57
SPEAKER_01balloon to lift heavy weights.
0:58 → 1:00
SPEAKER_01The lighter-than-air technology,
1:00 → 1:01
SPEAKER_01which is what started aviation
1:01 → 1:05
SPEAKER_01originally, has great potential for new innovation.
1:05 → 1:13
SPEAKER_01This balloon wants to rise entirely without an engine.
1:13 → 1:15
SPEAKER_02The balloon is held inside a net
1:15 → 1:18
SPEAKER_02meeting up at the central point, held by
1:18 → 1:20
SPEAKER_02a cable to which the weight can now be attached.
1:21 → 1:24
SPEAKER_01The crane operator starts the winch.
1:24 → 1:26
SPEAKER_01It is her commands that control the
1:26 → 1:28
SPEAKER_01rise of the balloon attached to the
1:28 → 1:30
SPEAKER_01ground by steel cable and winch.
1:46 → 1:48
SPEAKER_01The balloon floats like a buoy in
1:48 → 1:51
SPEAKER_01an ocean of air pulling upwards with great force.
1:57 → 1:59
SPEAKER_01Winch number one controls the rise and
1:59 → 2:01
SPEAKER_01descent of the air crane balloon system.
2:01 → 2:04
SPEAKER_01The balloon turns into a hook in the air.
2:11 → 2:13
SPEAKER_02We are standing next to winch number
2:13 → 2:15
SPEAKER_02one with the main cable, an 18mm
2:15 → 2:17
SPEAKER_02braided steel cable with a breaking load,
2:17 → 2:19
SPEAKER_02numerous times the balloon's lifting
2:19 → 2:21
SPEAKER_02capacity for safety reasons.
2:21 → 2:24
SPEAKER_02The winch has a capacity of 7.5 tons,
2:24 → 2:25
SPEAKER_02which is more than a balloon will
2:25 → 2:27
SPEAKER_02lift, again for safety reasons.
2:32 → 2:35
SPEAKER_01The main cable holds the crane's knot,
2:35 → 2:36
SPEAKER_01turning the captive balloon into
2:36 → 2:38
SPEAKER_01a maneuverable crane system.
2:58 → 3:00
SPEAKER_02The vital point is obviously that
3:00 → 3:02
SPEAKER_02one can control the balloon.
3:02 → 3:03
SPEAKER_02This works through a system of
3:03 → 3:07
SPEAKER_02three cables and three winches, which we will look at next.
3:09 → 3:11
SPEAKER_01The three cables are attached to this crane's knot.
3:17 → 3:19
SPEAKER_01Each cable is attached to another winch.
3:19 → 3:21
SPEAKER_01This means that there are three more
3:21 → 3:24
SPEAKER_01cables other than the main cable.
3:24 → 3:25
SPEAKER_01They are used to tie the balloon
3:25 → 3:29
SPEAKER_01down on its sides, similarly to how it's done with tents.
3:37 → 3:39
SPEAKER_01The crane conductor releases cable
3:39 → 3:41
SPEAKER_01and the balloon pulls the crane's
3:41 → 3:43
SPEAKER_01knot upwards with its four tons of lift.
4:12 → 4:14
SPEAKER_01Specific winding or unwinding of the
4:14 → 4:17
SPEAKER_01cables on the winch will change the position of the nut.
4:18 → 4:21
SPEAKER_01The moment the winch starts to operate is visible.
4:28 → 4:30
SPEAKER_01The top of a church tower will
4:30 → 4:32
SPEAKER_01be moved to show the function of an air crane balloon.
4:33 → 4:36
SPEAKER_01Precision work usually performed by steel cranes.
4:39 → 4:42
SPEAKER_02The crane operation is done as follows.
4:42 → 4:43
SPEAKER_02A hook to which the weight is
4:43 → 4:47
SPEAKER_02attached is connected to the lifting balloon at crane's knot.
4:47 → 4:49
SPEAKER_02Now you can easily, through extension
4:49 → 4:53
SPEAKER_02of the three cables, raise the balloon and the load.
4:53 → 4:55
SPEAKER_02You can also shorten a cable to
4:55 → 4:57
SPEAKER_02pull the load into one direction.
4:57 → 5:00
SPEAKER_02This means that within a specific triangle,
5:00 → 5:02
SPEAKER_02you could lift the load freely and
5:02 → 5:04
SPEAKER_02move it to whatever position you choose.
5:10 → 5:12
SPEAKER_01The winches dictate the church tower's position.
5:12 → 5:14
SPEAKER_01The weight is carried by the balloon.
5:21 → 5:23
SPEAKER_01The idea is so simple, it leads to
5:23 → 5:26
SPEAKER_01the question why no one thought of it before.
5:26 → 5:28
SPEAKER_01But isn't that the case with most good ideas?
5:58 → 6:00
SPEAKER_01Within the triangle, the church tower can
6:00 → 6:02
SPEAKER_01be moved to any given position.
6:07 → 6:08
SPEAKER_01All one has to do is place
6:08 → 6:11
SPEAKER_01the winch triangle properly over the construction site.
6:26 → 6:28
SPEAKER_02The decisive point is that the
6:28 → 6:30
SPEAKER_02three cables join together at a central nodal point.
6:31 → 6:34
SPEAKER_02At this point, picture a pyramid,
6:34 → 6:37
SPEAKER_02the balloon pulls upwards on a long cable.
6:37 → 6:39
SPEAKER_02This means that the balloon can
6:39 → 6:42
SPEAKER_02move freely above the nodal point.
6:44 → 6:46
SPEAKER_02A gust of wind will make it move,
6:46 → 6:48
SPEAKER_02but this is alright, since the
6:48 → 6:50
SPEAKER_02point is still positioned exactly.
6:52 → 6:54
SPEAKER_01This is what it looks like.
6:54 → 6:56
SPEAKER_01The hooks cable is hardly moving.
7:00 → 7:02
SPEAKER_01Although the balloon moves, the cranes
7:02 → 7:06
SPEAKER_01not stand still thanks to the three winch cables
7:06 → 7:08
SPEAKER_01that hold him down and the balloon
7:08 → 7:10
SPEAKER_01pulling it upward with many tons of pulling force.
7:16 → 7:18
SPEAKER_01This is how one can position the
7:18 → 7:20
SPEAKER_01load at will but still exact.
7:36 → 7:39
SPEAKER_02There really is no difference for the crane conductor.
7:39 → 7:43
SPEAKER_02He operates the crane with a control panel just as before.
7:43 → 7:45
SPEAKER_02One hand moves the horizontal level
7:45 → 7:48
SPEAKER_02right, left, forwards and back.
7:48 → 7:51
SPEAKER_02The other controls rise and descend.
7:51 → 7:53
SPEAKER_02Concentrating while operating, he may
7:53 → 7:55
SPEAKER_02even forget that the hook is not
7:55 → 7:57
SPEAKER_02attached to a steel crane, but to
7:57 → 8:00
SPEAKER_02a balloon pulling it up towards the sky.
8:04 → 8:06
SPEAKER_01The cargo lifter crew wants to
8:06 → 8:09
SPEAKER_01demonstrate how precise the air crane system works.
8:16 → 8:18
SPEAKER_01These images simply show the reality.
8:18 → 8:20
SPEAKER_01It really does work that well.
8:24 → 8:26
SPEAKER_02The aircrane balloon system is not
8:26 → 8:29
SPEAKER_02in competition to conventional solutions.
8:29 → 8:30
SPEAKER_02It could become an option when
8:30 → 8:33
SPEAKER_02cranes cannot reach the necessary height,
8:33 → 8:36
SPEAKER_02cannot reach across that far or are
8:36 → 8:38
SPEAKER_02simply too heavy for the terrain.
8:38 → 8:40
SPEAKER_02If the cables are extended, one can
8:40 → 8:45
SPEAKER_02go higher than 200 meters or reach across that much more.
8:45 → 8:46
SPEAKER_02Large construction sites could be ideal
8:46 → 8:48
SPEAKER_02for the aircrane balloon.
8:48 → 8:50
SPEAKER_02It could be above a site for a
8:50 → 8:52
SPEAKER_02full year reaching all the places, for
8:52 → 8:55
SPEAKER_02example a roof of a stadium, an area
8:55 → 8:58
SPEAKER_02which is hard to reach for today's conventional cranes.
9:01 → 9:03
SPEAKER_01The Cargolifter air crane balloon system
9:03 → 9:06
SPEAKER_01would have been ideal to build the Gölchtal Bridge.
9:06 → 9:08
SPEAKER_01Now, the new world record, the
9:08 → 9:10
SPEAKER_01first building built with the support of
9:10 → 9:13
SPEAKER_01the air crane balloon will be somewhere else.
9:13 → 9:14
SPEAKER_01Maybe you have a project?
9:14 → 9:16
SPEAKER_01We are looking forward to hearing from you.