Trip in the Desert in UAE

What the people in the UAE have achieved in just a few decades is truly impressive. However, this progress has come at a high price, as they have, in many areas, left behind their DNA, their identity, and their true selves. I spent 14 days in the UAE with Rolf Schröder and other amazing people within the Start2 Group Cohort, including a day in Abu Dhabi and three days in Ras Al Khaimah. I visited the desert in both Dubai and Ras Al Khaimah. Unfortunately, a visit to Dubai is not worth it. It's an overbuilt concrete city with a complete traffic collapse and lacks any authentic Arabian characteristics. I never felt comfortable there. Sadly, I must say the same for Abu Dhabi. It's all covered in concrete and steel, losing touch with its wonderful past. The desert was littered with trash, a massive landfill that no one seems to care about unless it's fancy and tourist-friendly. The disappointment was significant. When I travel for alugha, I want to immerse myself in the DNA of the people, understand their origins, and why what we do is exciting for us. In contrast, spending hours driving and walking around Ras Al Khaimah and its surroundings (+50km) showed me the real UAE. The people, the animals, the desert—everything is more relaxed, honest, and authentically Arabian. I even camped in a tent by the sea. If you truly want to understand the UAE's genuine mentality and customs, avoid Abu Dhabi and Dubai, except perhaps for a day trip, and then venture into the REAL world! My appeal to the locals: Please, please, please, be more of yourselves again and protect what you were and can be. We already have more than enough concrete cities and overwhelming traffic worldwide.

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