Cultivo de microorganismos, parte 2 | Células | Biología FuseSchool
En la primera parte vimos cómo cultivar bacterias para garantizar que no haya contaminación... en este vídeo, veremos cómo podemos calcular el tamaño de poblaciones recién cultivadas.
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In this video we are going to look at how to do percentage increases and decreases, using multipliers. You should already know what percentages are, and how to find them.
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Here, we have 3 farmers Bob, Jack and Jill.
They need to fence their fields to stop their sheep from running away. However, they’re not too sure how much fencing to buy, especially since their fields have different shapes.
In order to
Learn the basics about the principle of green chemistry that considers reducing derivatives, as a part of environmental chemistry.
Functional groups are the sites in a molecule where a reaction occurs. Some molecules may have more than one functional group which may be a problem if you’re carrying