6 Anzeichen, dass du emotional und nicht nur vom Aussehen attraktiv bist!

Warst du schon einmal emotional in jemanden verknallt, und es ging nicht nur um gutes Aussehen? Es gibt ein paar typische Eigenschaften und Gewohnheiten, die jemanden emotional attraktiver machen können. Besitzt du einige davon? Vielleicht bist du dir nicht bewusst, dass du derartig attraktiv bist! Autor: Michal Mitchell Skript-Editorin & -Managerin: Kelly Soong Voiceover (englische Version): Amanda Silvera Animatorin: Kayla Ramirez YouTube-Managerin: Cindy Cheong Quellen: Camins, S. (2021, March 21). Setting Emotional Boundaries in Relationships. Road to Growth Counseling. https://roadtogrowthcounseling.com/importance-boundaries-relationships/. Rane, Z. (2020, September 12). 8 Science-Backed Habits to Become More Emotionally Attractive. Medium. https://medium.com/mind-cafe/8-habits-of-emotionally-attractive-people-faaafc5c9c44. Brown, L. (2021, April 12). 19 clear-cut signs you're attractive to other people. Hack Spirit. https://hackspirit.com/signs-you-are-attractive/. The Gottman Institute. (2021, February 15). Homework Assignment: How To Increase Emotional Attraction. The Gottman Institute. https://www.gottman.com/blog/weekend-homework-assignment-how-to-increase-emotional-attraction/. Fellizar, K. (2018, July 12). 7 Subtle Ways To Create Emotional Attraction With Someone You're Interested In. Bustle. https://www.bustle.com/p/7-subtle-ways-to-create-emotional-attraction-with-someone-youre-interested-in-9745823. Papa, A. (2018, June 8). What Is Emotional Attraction and Why Is It Important? The Date Mix. https://www.zoosk.com/date-mix/dating-advice/emotional-attraction/. Lamothe, C. (2019, October 14). Emotional Attraction: 16 FAQs, Signs, and Tips. Healthline. https://www.healthline.com/health/emotional-attraction#romance. Übersetzung und Dubbing: alugha Klick hier, um mehr Videos zu sehen: https://alugha.com/Psych2Go

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